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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)

Search for one or more users by ID.

Entity: TwitterUser TwitterUser Entity

Type: UserType.IdLookup

Name Purpose Type Required
Expansions Comma-separated list of expansion fields string (ExpansionField) no
Ids Up to 100 comma-separated IDs to search for string yes
TweetFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the Tweet object string (TweetField) no
UserFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the User object string (UserField) no
static async Task LookupByUserIDAsync(TwitterContext twitterCtx)
	TwitterUserQuery? userResponse =
		(from user in twitterCtx.TwitterUser
		 where user.Type == UserType.IdLookup &&
			   user.Ids == "15411837,16761255" &&
			   user.Expansions == ExpansionField.AllUserFields &&
			   user.TweetFields == TweetField.AllFieldsExceptPermissioned &&
			   user.UserFields == UserField.AllFields
		 select user)

	if (userResponse != null)
		userResponse.Users?.ForEach(user =>
			Console.WriteLine("Name: " + user.Username));

Twitter API: users