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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)


Get a list of other users that a user is following.

Entity: TwitterUser TwitterUser Entity

Type: UserType.Following

Name Purpose Type Required
ID ID of user to retrieve following string yes
Expansions Comma-separated list of expansion fields string (ExpansionField) no
MaxResults Maximum number of tweets to return int no
PaginationToken Provide this, when paging, to get the next or previous page of results string no
TweetFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the Tweet object string (TweetField) no
UserFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the User object string (UserField) no
string userID = "15411837";

TwitterUserQuery? userResponse =
    (from user in twitterCtx.TwitterUser
     where user.Type == UserType.Following &&
           user.ID == userID
     select user)

if (userResponse != null)
    userResponse.Users?.ForEach(user =>
        Console.WriteLine("ID: " + user.ID));

Twitter API: users/:id/following