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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)

Search for tweets that occurred within the last week.

Entity: TwitterSearch TwitterSearch Entity

Type: SearchType.RecentSearch

Name Purpose Type Required
EndTime Date/Time to search to DateTime no
Expansions Comma-separated list of expansion fields string (ExpansionField) no
MaxResults Maximum number of tweets to return int no
MediaFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the media object string (MediaField) no
NextToken Provide this, when paging, to get the next page of results string no
PlaceFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the place object string (PlaceField) no
PollFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the poll object string (PollField) no
Query Search query string yes
SinceID Return tweets whose IDs are greater than this string no
StartTime Date/Time to start search DateTime no
TweetFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the Tweet object string (TweetField) no
UntilID Return tweets whose ids are less than this string no
UserFields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the User object string (UserField) no
string searchTerm = "\"LINQ to Twitter\" OR Linq2Twitter OR LinqToTwitter OR JoeMayo";

// default is id and text and this also brings in created_at and geo
string tweetFields =
		new string[]

TwitterSearch? searchResponse =
	(from search in twitterCtx.TwitterSearch
	 where search.Type == SearchType.RecentSearch &&
		   search.Query == searchTerm &&
		   search.TweetFields == TweetField.AllFieldsExceptPermissioned &&
		   search.Expansions == ExpansionField.AllTweetFields &&
		   search.MediaFields == MediaField.AllFieldsExceptPermissioned &&
		   search.PlaceFields == PlaceField.AllFields &&
		   search.PollFields == PollField.AllFields &&
		   search.UserFields == UserField.AllFields
	 select search)

if (searchResponse?.Tweets != null)
	searchResponse.Tweets.ForEach(tweet =>
			$"\nUser: {tweet.ID}" +
			$"\nTweet: {tweet.Text}"));
	Console.WriteLine("No entries found.");

Twitter API: tweets/search/api-reference/get-tweets-search-recent