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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)

Hide Replies

Hides/Unhides replies to a tweet.

public async Task<bool> HideReplyAsync(string tweetID, CancellationToken cancelToken = default);

public async Task<bool> UnHideReplyAsync(string tweetID, CancellationToken cancelToken = default);
Name Purpose Type Required
tweetID ID of the replying tweet string yes
cancelationToken Optional cancellation token CancellationToken no

Return Type: bool - The hidden status of the tweet: true if not hidden or false if hidden

Note: Will receive 403 Forbidden if tweetID is for a tweet that is not a reply.

static async Task HideReplyAsync(TwitterContext twitterCtx)
	const string TweetID = "1327749647515881473";

	bool isHidden = await twitterCtx.HideReplyAsync(TweetID);

	Console.WriteLine($"Is Hidden: {isHidden}");

static async Task UnHideReplyAsync(TwitterContext twitterCtx)
	const string TweetID = "1327749647515881473";

	bool isHidden = await twitterCtx.UnHideReplyAsync(TweetID);

	Console.WriteLine($"Is Hidden: {isHidden}");

Twitter API: tweets/hide-replies/api-reference/put-tweets-id-hidden