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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)

Tweet Object

Represents a user’s tweet.

Name Purpose Type
Attachments Attachments, such as polls, images, and videos TweetAttachment
AuthorID Posting user’s ID string
ContextAnnotations Contextual metadata associated with tweet List<TweetContextAnnotation>
ConversationID ID of conversation this tweet is part of (matches original tweet ID) string
CreatedAt When tweeted DateTime
Entities Extracted parts of the tweet, like hashtags, urls, etc. TweetEntities
Geo Tweet location (if user provided) TweetGeo
ID ID of this tweet string
InReplyToUserID If replying, this is the ID of the user being replied to string
Language BCP47 Language tag string
NonPublicMetrics Non-Public Metrics object
OrganicMetrics Organic Metrics object
PossiblySensitive Media or links might reveal sensitive information bool
PromotedMetrics Promoted content metrics object
PublicMetrics Public metrics TweetPublicMetrics
ReferencedTweets Any other tweets that this one refers to List<TweetReference>
ReplySettings Who can reply to tweet TweetReplySettings
Source The application sending the tweet string
Text User’s tweet text string
Withheld Information regarding a request to withhold information TwitterWithheld

Twitter API: Tweet Object