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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)

Getting a List of Favorites

Get a list of the last 20 favorites for a user.

Entity: Favorites

Type: FavoritesTypes.Favorites

Name Purpose Type Required
Count Number of tweets to return; max is 200 int no
IncludeEntities Include Twitter entities bool  
MaxID Return tweets earlier than or equal to this ID ulong no
ScreenName Screen name of user string only if UserID is empty
SinceID Return tweets later than this ID ulong no
UserID ID of user string only if ScreenName is empty
v3.0 Example:
            var favsResponse =
                    (from fav in twitterCtx.Favorites
                     where fav.Type == FavoritesType.Favorites
                     select fav)

            if (favsResponse != null)
                favsResponse.ForEach(fav => 
                    if (fav != null && fav.User != null)
                            "Name: {0}, Tweet: {1}",
                            fav.User.ScreenNameResponse, fav.Text);
v2.1 Example:
            var favorites =
                (from fav in twitterCtx.Favorites
                 where fav.Type == FavoritesType.Favorites &&
                       fav.IncludeEntities == true
                 select fav)

            foreach (var fav in favorites)
                    "User Name: {0}, Tweet: {1}",
                    fav.User.Name, fav.Text);

Twitter API: favorites/list