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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)

Getting List Subscribers

Get a list of users who subscribed to a list.

Entity: List

Type: ListType.Subscribers

Name Purpose Type Required
Cursor Token to help page through lists long no
IncludeEntities Add entities to tweets (default: true) bool no
ListID ID of list ulong only is Slug is empty
OwnerID ID of list owner ulong only if Slug is provided
OwnerScreenName Name of user to who owns list string only if Slug is provided
ScreenName ScreenName of list owner string only if UserID is empty
SkipStatus Exclude status information bool no
Slug Short list name string only if ListID is empty
UserID User ID of list owner ulong only if ScreenName is empty

Note: Either UserID or ScreenName is required. Either ListID or Slug is required. If you use Slug, you must also specify either OwnerID or OwnerScreenName.

v3.0 Example:
            var subscriberList =
                (from list in twitterCtx.List
                 where list.Type == ListType.Subscribers &&
                       list.Slug == "linq" &&
                       list.OwnerScreenName == "Linq2Tweeter"
                 select list)

            if (subscriberList != null && subscriberList.Users != null)
                subscriberList.Users.ForEach(user =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Subscriber: " + user.Name));
v2.1 Example:
            var lists =
                (from list in twitterCtx.List
                 where list.Type == ListType.Subscribers &&
                       list.Slug == "dotnettwittterdevs" &&
                       list.OwnerScreenName == "JoeMayo"
                 select list)

            foreach (var user in lists.Users)
                Console.WriteLine("Subscriber: " + user.Name);

Twitter API: lists/subscribers