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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)

Updating Statuses

Tweet or reply to a tweet.

public async Task<Status> ReplyAsync(
    ulong tweetID, string status)
public async Task<Status> ReplyAsync(
    ulong tweetID, string status, decimal latitude, 
    decimal longitude, bool displayCoordinates)
public async Task<Status> ReplyAsync(
    ulong tweetID, string status, decimal latitude, 
    decimal longitude, string placeID, bool trimUser)
public async Task<Status> ReplyAsync(
    ulong tweetID, string status, string placeID, 
    bool displayCoordinates, bool trimUser)
public async Task<Status> ReplyAsync(
    ulong tweetID, string status, decimal latitude, 
    decimal longitude, string placeID, 
    bool displayCoordinates, bool trimUser)

public async Task<Status> TweetAsync(
    string status)
public async Task<Status> TweetAsync(
    string status, decimal latitude, decimal longitude)
public async Task<Status> TweetAsync(
    string status, decimal latitude, 
    decimal longitude, bool displayCoordinates)
public async Task<Status> TweetAsync(
    string status, decimal latitude, decimal longitude, 
    string placeID, bool trimUser)
public async Task<Status> TweetAsync(
    string status, decimal latitude, decimal longitude, 
    string placeID, bool displayCoordinates, bool trimUser)
public async Task<Status> TweetAsync(
    string status, string placeID, 
    bool displayCoordinates, bool trimUser)
Name Purpose Type Required
displayCoordinates Choose whether location info should appear in this specific tweet; defaults to false. bool no
tweetID ID of user replied to. ulong no
latitude Latitude location coordinate. decimal no
longitude Logitude location coordinate. decimal no
placeID ID of place (can be obtained via reverse geo lookup (Geo.Reverse in LINQ to Twitter). string no
status Text for new tweet. Must be 280 characters or less in length. string yes
tweetMode Set to TweetMode.Extended for 280 characters returned in Status.FullText. TweetMode no

Return Type: Status

Note: When replying, remember to prefix the tweet with the @UserName for the person you’re replying to.

v 3.0 Example:
            Console.Write("Enter your status update: ");
            string status = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("\nStatus being sent: \n\n\"{0}\"", status);
            Console.Write("\nDo you want to update your status? (y or n): ");
            string confirm = Console.ReadLine();

            if (confirm.ToUpper() == "N")
                Console.WriteLine("\nThis status is *not* being sent.");
            else if (confirm.ToUpper() == "Y")
                Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to post tweet...\n");

                var tweet = await twitterCtx.TweetAsync(status);

                if (tweet != null)
                        "Status returned: " +
                        "(" + tweet.StatusID + ")" +
                        tweet.User.Name + ", " +
                        tweet.Text + "\n");
                Console.WriteLine("Not a valid entry.");
v2.1 Example:
            var status =
                " Testing LINQ to Twitter update status on \n " +
                DateTime.Now.ToString() + " #linqtotwitter ";

            Console.WriteLine("\nStatus being sent: \n\n\"{0}\"", status);
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to post tweet...\n");

            var tweet = twitterCtx.UpdateStatus(status);

                "Status returned: " +
                "(" + tweet.StatusID + ")" +
                "[" + tweet.User.ID + "]" +
                tweet.User.Name + ", " +
                tweet.Text + ", " +
                tweet.CreatedAt + "\n");

Twitter API: statuses/update