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LINQ Provider for the Twitter API (C# Twitter Library)

Querying the Home Timeline

Gets the 20 most recent statuses, including retweets, for a user and user’s friends.

This query returns the tweets and retweets shown on a user’s home page when they log into Twitter.

The maximum number of tweets/retweets returned is 800.

Entity: Status

Type: StatusType.Home

Name Purpose Type Required
IncludeContributorDetails Include additional user details bool no
Count Number of tweets to return; max is 200; default is 20 int no
ExcludeReplies Exclude tweet replies bool no
MaxID Return tweets earlier than or equal to this ID ulong no
SinceID Return tweets later than this ID ulong no
TrimUser Return only user status ID and tweet bool no
v3.0 Example:
            var tweets =
                (from tweet in twitterCtx.Status
                 where tweet.Type == StatusType.Home
                 select tweet)

v2.1 Example:
            var tweets =
                from tweet in twitterCtx.Status
                where tweet.Type == StatusType.Home
                select tweet;

            Console.WriteLine("\nTweets for " + twitterCtx.UserName + "\n");

                tweet => Console.WriteLine(
                "Name: {0}, Tweet: {1}\n",
                tweet.User.Name, tweet.Text));

Twitter API: statuses/home_timeline